The Final Warning

Rising Action

Realizing there was a tratior in the bunch Max has told the flock to keep an eye open for anything suspicous. Brigid then began to explain to the flock what to do if they ever got caught in a blizzard, saying this Gasman relizes that Angel, Total, and Alkila, a  big poodle that Total has fallen in love with  are missing. Max things that they have just gone for a walk, but starts to get very worried because there is a big blizzard about to hit Antartica. The storm only getting worse, and still no Angel or the dogs, Fang and Max decide to go out and look for them. They find the three stuck in the storm in a ditch that they have fallen into. Getting them out, Total and Akila now unconsious, Max and Fang try to wait out the storm knowing that it is impossible to fly with an 80 pound poodle in a storm where you cannot even see three feet infront of you. Waiting out the storm, Max starts to feel tired a warm, signs of hypothermia. Fighting to stay awake under the blizzard, a net is caught on the five of them. They have been captured by Gozen, a robot about seven feet tall with spikes surrounding his broad body. He programed to get pleasure from killing things, and came with an army of robots. The five of them on an airplane, now thawed out, they were reunited with the rest of the flock. All very p.o.'d to be held hostage  again. Kidnapped from Antartica and headed to Miami to be auctioned off for sale.


In miami it was not swim suit season. There was a big storm outside the tall building the Flock was in. A hurricane was on its way. There was a huge hurricane  proof window looking out to all Miami.  The hurricane itself was getting stronger every blow, was gthe hurricane oing to tip the building over soon enough. Gozen came in reassuring that the building was Hurrincane resistant and the window was safey glass and it would never give in. The Flock then finally was release out the door of the room they were held hostage in and began to follow Gozen down the halls of the enormous building. There were many confrence rooms  and were introduced to The Uber-Director (UD). He was a transparent person, he organs were in clear Plexigles boxes and his head was attached to a box by a bare spindal cord. He was held together by a personal wheelchair designed for him.Talkin about the plans to auction off the Flock, the hurrincane proof window gave in accepting the hurricanes powerful blows. The wind slammed them into the back wall. Hidding from under the table, Angel heard the TV talking about the hurricane being a catagory 5 and it was cause by GLOBAL WARMING! Max lead the flock out to the hallway and decided it was best to let the hurricane take them into the eye and have them fly up and out. The hurricane took all of them. Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, Angel, Total, Akila, Gozen, and the UD.